1.8 suspicious bush cycle


Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @JayCr-bru
    @JayCr-bru 2 дня назад +3261

    I love how ken is so Tactile with his bush he slowly started plucking out the hair and making it into a beard and thought we wouldnt notice.

    • @nicolaspp4780
      @nicolaspp4780 2 дня назад +87

      That's so fucking disgusting lmao 😂

    • @aleskanderr
      @aleskanderr 2 дня назад +121

      "I Love how Ken" we have a new leader

    • @GiabsCauws
      @GiabsCauws 2 дня назад +12

      @@aleskanderr i loved when ken ate at taco bell and sharted and said "Now that's some red poison"

    • @bigbunstudios7494
      @bigbunstudios7494 2 дня назад +3

      TMI, you could have kept that to yourself lil bro

    • @strangeright4113
      @strangeright4113 2 дня назад

      @@bigbunstudios7494shut up lil kid no one asked for your opinion.

  • @nicholasmolfetta77
    @nicholasmolfetta77 2 дня назад +951

    Australian goblinstein is the kind of monster to exclaim “my towers on low hp” when his woman asks for round 2

  • @shuaybkhan4188
    @shuaybkhan4188 2 дня назад +3037

    Ken is the genre of character to fart in a room and say "Damage amplification!" as everyone starts gagging

    • @meganek0597
      @meganek0597 2 дня назад +98

      More like "Poison value!"

    • @torpeda8766
      @torpeda8766 2 дня назад +11

      that also implies that damage is being delt, if the fart amplifies damage, then the damage delt is probably cringe

    • @mintyfresh9542
      @mintyfresh9542 2 дня назад


    • @frustationoverloaded5976
      @frustationoverloaded5976 2 дня назад +4

      Clash royale has evolved dart goblin, ken is evolved fart goblin 😂

  • @raresserban5745
    @raresserban5745 2 дня назад +1208

    ken is secretly a royal hog 0:14

  • @adeldell8275
    @adeldell8275 2 дня назад +1382

    Ken is a chap of the varietal to say ’log value’ as his neighbour's home is destroyed by a falling tree.

    • @jadenbcs
      @jadenbcs 2 дня назад +36

      Log value would imply that his neighbour is dead too

    • @blark6582
      @blark6582 2 дня назад

      @@jadenbcsthat would be a huge log value

    • @i_like_living
      @i_like_living 2 дня назад +8

      keep yourself safe

    • @mac_sour
      @mac_sour 2 дня назад

      ​@@jadenbcs positive elixir trade

  • @maiquedrop
    @maiquedrop 2 дня назад +390

    we finally got the spin-off of my favourite video of Kenny of all time, "suspicious bush is broken", what a classic

  • @gasoline309
    @gasoline309 2 дня назад +1900

    ken playing wit his bush again 😒

  • @lucasnadamas9317
    @lucasnadamas9317 2 дня назад +447


    • @a_fangar
      @a_fangar 2 дня назад +11

      Yes exactly

    • @a_fangar
      @a_fangar 2 дня назад

      And he always plays it at the king tower like a little twat

      @FERVIDMIND 2 дня назад +5

      Thank you

    • @payayaa
      @payayaa 2 дня назад +5


    • @parkourguyyy
      @parkourguyyy 2 дня назад +85

      but it has damage amplification

  • @nizarka1999
    @nizarka1999 2 дня назад +350

    Ken is the kind of person to scream “Wall Breaker Connection” after hearing an explosion at the airport

  • @nikokleemola8866
    @nikokleemola8866 2 дня назад +480

    Ken is in a suspicious bush to reveal his log closer to the miners

    • @SourChips
      @SourChips 2 дня назад +47

      this gotta the unfunniest shit ive ever read

    • @jerry_the
      @jerry_the 2 дня назад +12

      @@SourChips dont forget to edit the "be" in there before someone points it out

    • @SourChips
      @SourChips 2 дня назад +20

      @@jerry_the lmao fuck it shit was too unfunny it got me trippin

    • @Solivagant7
      @Solivagant7 2 дня назад

      @@SourChips The grievous eyesore that thou hast wrought by omitting the humble yet essential verb ‘be’ hath oozed most ungraciously into mine delicate orbs, causing me no small measure of aesthetic torment. I do beseech thee, knave, rectify this offense at once, lest my patience-already worn thinner than a pauper’s pocket-dissolve entirely. Make haste, and amend thy words, once and proper, thou base-born peasant!

    • @wreckedyoass
      @wreckedyoass 2 дня назад

      ​@@SourChips"this gotta the unfunniest" 🐶💔

  • @QuickRundown0
    @QuickRundown0 2 дня назад +149

    0:00 Suspicious Bush gets cycled on the miner
    2:46 Damage amplification
    14:15 Suspicious Bush stops talking

    @VIEWER-MUSIC 2 дня назад +368

    Ken is the particular evolution of neanderthal who measures his deck everyday and ends up with new values each time

    • @catvbandit450
      @catvbandit450 2 дня назад +28

      I love that ken banned 'type a guy' the comments are way better with all the wacky way people say it now.

    • @mercxry
      @mercxry 2 дня назад +7

      @@catvbandit450 whey

    • @michaeltabarroni70
      @michaeltabarroni70 2 дня назад

      @mercxry whey

    • @catvbandit450
      @catvbandit450 2 дня назад +2

      @@mercxry Did i write it wrong?

    • @RealCat222
      @RealCat222 2 дня назад

      ​@@catvbandit450whey is dairy protein stuff, way is the word you were looking for

  • @SillySalmon23
    @SillySalmon23 2 дня назад +69

    The clock glows dim.
    Ken lies awake, eyes tracing shadows.
    Thoughts drift, tangle, slip
    then circle back, restless.
    Sleep comes late, two hours stolen.
    By evening, his head dips,
    he wakes to an unfamiliar hour,
    disoriented, untethered.

    • @Youonly_dieonce
      @Youonly_dieonce 2 дня назад

      too much, shorten it next time with a more conclusive end

    • @littleshrimping6872
      @littleshrimping6872 2 дня назад +3

      wow beautiful

    • @MrCheese270
      @MrCheese270 2 дня назад +1

      No way you’re cooking this hard in a Ken comments section,
      Thats like making a five star gourmet meal in the middle of Chernobyl

  • @Tayaressss
    @Tayaressss 2 дня назад +64

    Ken likes his Clash Royale like his women, celebrating their 9th birthday

  • @epicmanthesecond
    @epicmanthesecond 2 дня назад +55

    5:37 ken is hitting puberty

    • @nick14935
      @nick14935 2 дня назад +1

      he reveals his secret robot voice

  • @xepoch
    @xepoch 2 дня назад +95

    ken: i like my women like i like my decks
    also ken: *plays deck with bush*

    • @armaanb.6566
      @armaanb.6566 2 дня назад +10

      Ken understands the appeal

    • @michaeltabarroni70
      @michaeltabarroni70 2 дня назад +2

      This implies Ken hates the decks he makes

    • @Paper4444
      @Paper4444 2 дня назад +5

      a suspicious bush

    • @davidjefferson4941
      @davidjefferson4941 2 дня назад

      @@michaeltabarroni70 Ken hates women?

    • @ShuffleJame
      @ShuffleJame 2 дня назад

      One of the best comments on here. You sir deserve thousands of likes

  • @felipe-n9t
    @felipe-n9t 2 дня назад +13

    Guy is the Ken of type to drop a brick from the top of a skyscraper and say "watch this prediction".

  • @OiledUpHighlights
    @OiledUpHighlights 2 дня назад +144

    If ken dated a minor, it would probably be a minor miner’s minor miner son

  • @ahmedQmustafa
    @ahmedQmustafa 2 дня назад +73

    13:46 just imagine I commented that

    • @leelon8964
      @leelon8964 2 дня назад +5

      you know what else you can imagine

    • @blank1830
      @blank1830 2 дня назад

      ​@@leelon8964 dragon these nutz across yo face

    • @davidjefferson4941
      @davidjefferson4941 2 дня назад +2

      missed opportunity 😢

  • @Twix_01
    @Twix_01 2 дня назад +261

    Ken the sort of dude to go to the kindergarden and drop his trousers and shout “suspicious bush”

  • @anonpro
    @anonpro 2 дня назад +7

    2:09 ken admits his true desires

  • @OnceLivedEgeus
    @OnceLivedEgeus 2 дня назад +295

    Ken is the kind of human to say “he has mirror?” When the second plane hits the tower.

    • @chapter1564
      @chapter1564 2 дня назад +21

      that comment's already been done.

    • @e5urient
      @e5urient 2 дня назад +4

      This had me in tears 💀

    • @yeezyy_ye
      @yeezyy_ye 2 дня назад +1


    • @makaklappa
      @makaklappa 2 дня назад

      @@e5urient how

    • @davidjefferson4941
      @davidjefferson4941 2 дня назад

      @@chapter1564 Have to redo all the comments with the new "Ken is the ___ of ___" trend

  • @PikminBean
    @PikminBean 2 дня назад +12

    Take a shot every time Ken mentions goblin curse damage amplification

  • @Breadaah
    @Breadaah 2 дня назад +2


    • @StarCheesy
      @StarCheesy 2 дня назад

      Ken likes making his suspicious bush itchy in front of others???

  • @zeke7288
    @zeke7288 2 дня назад +20

    6:09 one of the best ice spirit plays of all time

    • @davidjefferson4941
      @davidjefferson4941 2 дня назад

      the spirit of evo ice spirit possessed him

    • @jewsmoker9161
      @jewsmoker9161 День назад

      That was totally a play of all time. Bravo Vince 👏

  • @cawcaw9284
    @cawcaw9284 2 дня назад +22

    Ken is a familiar kind of gentlemen to refer to the Vietnam war as "suspicous bush cycle"

  • @leder.
    @leder. 2 дня назад +39

    She suspicious of my bush till a goblin pops out

    • @GammelGäddan05
      @GammelGäddan05 2 дня назад +5

      Yeah a dart goblin because it spits at you, but also because its evo dart goblin so its poisonous (I have chlamydia)

  • @mohamadaliasgar5010
    @mohamadaliasgar5010 2 дня назад +346

    Ken is the archetype of man to yell out "prediction log" and then proceed to give ferocious dih

    • @masemoose9525
      @masemoose9525 2 дня назад +14

      Reddit humour

    • @amethyst137_
      @amethyst137_ 2 дня назад

      Peak Ken comment sextion

    • @bananaman9682
      @bananaman9682 2 дня назад +10

      5th grader ahh humour

    • @blazikin
      @blazikin 2 дня назад +25

      ​@@masemoose9525 the entire comment section runs on Reddit humour lol

    • @Y_u_dum
      @Y_u_dum 2 дня назад

      ​@@blazikin I disagree. We'd be seeing a whole lot more leftist shit if that were the case.

  • @Blazing_toast
    @Blazing_toast День назад +2

    12:33 this is the moment when Ken says "that's cool man I'll be back tomorrow anyways"

  • @in_irfan6795
    @in_irfan6795 2 дня назад +50

    3:14 ishowspeed PTSD clash royale

  • @Redacted_Ruler
    @Redacted_Ruler 2 дня назад +2

    It is with the utmost certainty that I declare Ken to be the precise sort of individual whose particular disposition, whether by an unfortunate lapse in judgment or by sheer force of cosmic inevitability, would lead him to experience the deeply regrettable and socially mortifying phenomenon of involuntarily defiling the very garments intended to preserve his dignity, only to then-without a modicum of hesitation or self-reproach-exclaim, with great theatricality and an utter absence of self-awareness, the utterly baffling and seemingly non sequitur utterance: “Goblin demolisher.”

  • @fabienfavre2573
    @fabienfavre2573 2 дня назад +9

    5:30 cracks came out of Ken's mouth instead of going into his needle this time

  • @wyattrobinson7960
    @wyattrobinson7960 2 дня назад +3

    “You hit but I tapped” -kenjamin the 3rd. Gotta be up there in discussion for quote of year

  • @shuaybkhan4188
    @shuaybkhan4188 2 дня назад +12

    7:33 Ken uses Goblinstein deploy sound

  • @aleksavapa39
    @aleksavapa39 2 дня назад +19

    ken is the epitome of homo sapiens male to tell us about goblins curse's damage amplification

  • @oscardj99
    @oscardj99 2 дня назад +5

    13:52 Ken remember to put the video of the sick emote of you drinking the gobin curse and turning into a goblin at the start of the next video

  • @Жизньболь-м8ъ
    @Жизньболь-м8ъ 2 дня назад +1

    Nice vid, daddy Kenny! it's quite sussy. Also appreciation to your commentary, that's very nice when you speak.

  • @jethrowiselee7681
    @jethrowiselee7681 2 дня назад +90

    Ken is a specific specimen that would drop 50 bombs on USA and say "evo cannon value!"
    Mustach man

  • @thirdparty952
    @thirdparty952 2 дня назад +1

    Ken is the goblin who steals my memories every time I watch a video so I keep watching over and over and eventually try to break the cycle so I write a comment to myself so I can remember this time.
    Help me. Ken is hurting me.

  • @karma_klatsche6574
    @karma_klatsche6574 2 дня назад +18

    Ken is the archetype of man that yells „suspicious bush value!“ after reaching puberty

  • @deathtopiavirtuosomasterblade
    @deathtopiavirtuosomasterblade 2 дня назад +2

    Here's my poem to you, Ken.
    I miss the old Ken(ye)
    Straight from the go Ken(ye)
    Chopped up the soul Ken(ye)
    Set on his goals Ken(ye)
    I hate the new Ken(ye)
    The bad mood Ken(ye)
    The always rude Ken(ye)
    Spaz in the news Ken(ye)
    I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the chins Ken(ye)
    I gotta say at that time I'd like to meet Ken(ye)
    See I invented Ken(ye) it wasn't any Ken(ye)
    And now I look and look around and there's so many Ken(ye)
    I used to love Ken(ye), I used to love Ken(ye)

  • @4games950
    @4games950 2 дня назад +30

    Day 3 of telling Ken that damage amplification doesn't work on towers, he's such a silly little boy

    • @carsonhenry4719
      @carsonhenry4719 2 дня назад +2

      That’s what I’m saying 🥀

    • @darkpietroginopaoli3534
      @darkpietroginopaoli3534 2 дня назад +2

      it's like a year i'm telling him the same 🥀

    • @rainchopper898
      @rainchopper898 День назад

      He said in a previous video maybe 3 days ago that he realizes it doesn't work on towers, but then in this video brings it up when its only dealing tower damage. I think he just likes to mention goblin curse damage amplification a lot.

  • @kanyefm
    @kanyefm 2 дня назад +26

    does anyone know why ken opened the video by saying "Its been a while since ive lathered around in vaseline and played with my bush "

  • @tuomasteikari3904
    @tuomasteikari3904 2 дня назад +5

    0:04 ken when he sees a child

  • @frustationoverloaded5976
    @frustationoverloaded5976 2 дня назад +2

    Ken is like that one guy to catch miners with their pants down, pull them inside his eveolved goblin cage, shows them his suspesious bush, and evolved battle ram, and evolved wall breakers, and drops the goblin curse on them.

  • @EastonHarp
    @EastonHarp 2 дня назад +12

    Ken is the kind of bloke to shit in an old person's home and say "goblin curse on skarmy"

  • @M0sHDaK1nG
    @M0sHDaK1nG День назад +1

    Ken is the species of organisms to post 3 videos in 2 days

  • @Zbysiu456
    @Zbysiu456 2 дня назад +21

    How many more days do you think it will take Ken to realize that goblin curse doesn't amplify the damage dealt to the towers?

    • @jepompom455
      @jepompom455 2 дня назад +3

      Ken is the genre of human to think that goblin curse amplify the damage dealt to the towers

  • @kadinatkins5203
    @kadinatkins5203 2 дня назад +1

    Frank is the certain guy to wax his bush and call it a 2.1 cycle.

  • @musicalswarit
    @musicalswarit 2 дня назад +3

    10:38 ken is so humble, he could've won Nobel peace prize right here

  • @cheems2106
    @cheems2106 2 дня назад +2

    13:13 "this is quite a lot of goblin curth value."

  • @ThePickler47
    @ThePickler47 2 дня назад +5

    sleep-deprived is my favourite ken variant

  • @idkmn_yt
    @idkmn_yt 2 дня назад +1

    after all my requests ken is finally showing his suspicious bush to all of us

  • @TristanLevy-n6k
    @TristanLevy-n6k 2 дня назад +4

    2:46 Damage Amplification mentions Ken

  • @U_is_A_NOBODY
    @U_is_A_NOBODY 2 дня назад +2

    11:03 Ken shows love for his gang

  • @robloxplays4322
    @robloxplays4322 2 дня назад +6

    When god said let there be light, Ken started putting on sunscreen

  • @conor-fb5jc
    @conor-fb5jc День назад +1

    Ken is a person that place with his hair even though it’s a small bush

  • @rogeirodaniel578
    @rogeirodaniel578 2 дня назад +3

    First thing I do when I get to my 7 to 5 is watch ken at 7:14 am. Then I work, I love it.

  • @JoshuaVeil
    @JoshuaVeil 2 дня назад +1

    9:01 „bush on the tower“ really says it all 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

  • @ChristianT0O
    @ChristianT0O 2 дня назад +10

    13:26 grown as man btw

  • @kentaromasudmizoguchi
    @kentaromasudmizoguchi 2 дня назад +1

    ken is the kind of man predicting me in the toilet giving no damn

  • @thrax_the_god7781
    @thrax_the_god7781 2 дня назад +12

    8:30 is literally me right now

  • @thijswauters4920
    @thijswauters4920 2 дня назад +2

    Kursed Koblin almost finished on camera

    @IMONFlRE 2 дня назад +6

    his "deck" has "suspicious bush" in it, so he has to use a razor to "cycle" it away

  • @The_Fantasia
    @The_Fantasia 2 дня назад +2

    I don't even play clash royale anymore I just come here to watch ken yap

  • @Paul__033
    @Paul__033 2 дня назад +21

    finally ken is playing with his bush

  • @jeanznho
    @jeanznho 2 дня назад +2

    ken, the goblin curse damage amplification DOES NOT affect buildings! 6:50

  • @terrasai2857
    @terrasai2857 2 дня назад +5

    13:36 @Ken I tried to link the Reddit post to my comment but it got auto deleted by YT so here’s a reminder.

  • @squib8088
    @squib8088 2 дня назад

    idk whats so addicting about this guys videos, got back into clash after 6 years and started watching a month ago. The GO SON, goblin curse = damage amplifcation, and minecraft music at the end make me wanna come back. Kens such a real guy jokes aside thanks for the content.

  • @kyerapier6192
    @kyerapier6192 2 дня назад +4

    Ken if you were a food you would be a gas station hotdog

  • @Twix_01
    @Twix_01 2 дня назад +1

    Ken the sort of gentlemen to knock down a 6 year old and shout “goblin brawler value”

  • @NealBreen-u1b
    @NealBreen-u1b 2 дня назад +11

    Ken is the sort person to make eye contact with you while you're both using adjacent urinals and hear him say "after rain comes lightning" before shitting his pants

  • @Circle2947
    @Circle2947 2 дня назад +1

    Ken es el tipo de persona que dice "fireball value" quando ve un documental sobre los dinosaurios

  • @hyperbeam9122
    @hyperbeam9122 2 дня назад +6

    Ken is the certain specimen to see an African village and say, “Someone got some goblin curse value!”

  • @danpy
    @danpy 2 дня назад

    Your videos are the best part of my day and I watch them when I wake up so it's all downhill from here! :)

  • @vleshgd1823
    @vleshgd1823 2 дня назад +17

    Ken is the archetype of person to say bush value when eating a girl that didn't shave

  • @bilgebaykus6569
    @bilgebaykus6569 2 дня назад

    Hear hear bush is back from 80's

  • @plercok
    @plercok 2 дня назад +3

    8:02 waking up at 7.50 pm is a sign of depression, please dont kill yourself ken

  • @ludz07
    @ludz07 2 дня назад +1

    don't you just love it when Ken plays with his bush

  • @jimboleparrot1299
    @jimboleparrot1299 2 дня назад +4

    9 seconds, no views. damn fell off

  • @JT-vz2er
    @JT-vz2er День назад +1

    hey ken please continue to keep your videos under 15 minutes since I do not want to spend too much time on the toilet. thanks.

  • @RatmanBrawlStar
    @RatmanBrawlStar 2 дня назад +2

    Ken’s the species of organisms to secretly touch himself to miners and think we wouldn’t notice

  • @YouthAgaintsFascism
    @YouthAgaintsFascism 2 дня назад +30

    play with my bush ken

  • @pkoqwsxjdqjwiopdqw-fr2uw
    @pkoqwsxjdqjwiopdqw-fr2uw 2 дня назад +1

    Yo the vids are so fire. Been a while since i seen a ytuber trying out differenft decks they created. And also you are really good at the game. Keep it up!

  • @IVYCalvin-h7xE
    @IVYCalvin-h7xE 2 дня назад +384

    *Ty for 87,000 sub 🤧🤞*

  • @gBrowni
    @gBrowni 2 дня назад +2

    13:03 this is kinda nuts.
    Defending two egolems with cycle and NO BUILDING

  • @SteelBiteFury
    @SteelBiteFury 2 дня назад +1

    kens the genre of character to put his long hard log into a suspicious bush

  • @Levi.Production
    @Levi.Production 2 дня назад +2

    5:24 funniest ken moment bro

  • @saltymarshmellow8044
    @saltymarshmellow8044 2 дня назад

    I love watching these with my morning coffee, so its funny to see you as awake as me 12 hours away

  • @aexuruchima4737
    @aexuruchima4737 2 дня назад +2

    4:00 Ken likes his women like he likes his clash royal deck…15

  • @Sallad._.a
    @Sallad._.a 2 дня назад +2

    Ken be the identified lad who yells "Mirror Rocket" when the two nukes launched

  • @Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    @Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2 дня назад

    I absolutely love Ken, he really has become a master at baiting with his suspicious bush

  • @TheCoolPcGuy19
    @TheCoolPcGuy19 2 дня назад +2

    i loved when ken showed a miner his big bush and log

  • @sbj5807
    @sbj5807 2 дня назад +1

    Always a good time when ken posts his bush 🥰

  • @handelz5019
    @handelz5019 2 дня назад +1

    Kenneth is the sort of gentleman to say "balloon connection!" When a plane hit the towers

  • @mogulvibe6572
    @mogulvibe6572 2 дня назад +1

    Hey don't forget the emote of you drinking a goblin curse and turning into a goblin

  • @zhezhang1145
    @zhezhang1145 2 дня назад +1

    Idk Ken is so good how Jesus christ wtf man so good dahell bro crazy

  • @TrinYTD
    @TrinYTD 2 дня назад +1

    ken WOULD play with his bush on camera

  • @temshopping
    @temshopping 2 дня назад +2

    Ok that double voice crack got a giggle out of me

  • @dori9055
    @dori9055 2 дня назад +1

    Ken can‘t beat the allegations 7:33