That sound like soo much of effort. But lets not afraid to face the truth. Doing such game is not that super-duper hard as some of you portrait it. To be honest it is not hard at all, especially after over year of experience. The way you describing it is as if authors were sitting there with James Cameron and 10 million dollars worth team of experts working on every detail, every pixel, every possible route. As ahrimansiah wrote. They just suck cash as long as it is possible before pledge amount starts to drop, then do some things(way less than their potential) and release it in glory for another pledge bump and that's how it goes. Of course right after that post will probably pop up answers how I don't have right to expect anything if I am not patreon and even if I am I shouldn't because that's not how patreon works, there is no law agreement between sides. Yeah, there is none, but that doesn't mean players can't expect to be at least treated with some dignity. 1 month is enough time to make your thesis and prepare to defend it at university. How much time is required for team of few to make a cartoon-style game with everything gravitating to all kind of sodomy ? xD Do they have jobs other than this 5k $ per month ? If so that would maybe explain some things, but I don't think so.
Someone somewhere in some thread

P) wrote super truth about patreon and how it ruined that porn-novel industry. Now it is in most cases all about milking donators and lying about progress. And community that will poke you to death if you dare to show even slight sign of frustration adds to picture perfectly.