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Sep 1, 2016 9:35 PM

Jul 2012
hithummah said:
this anime will go down as modern classic that every new anime fan should watch. season 1 was one and pure comedy, season 2 addresses the main theme properly. I give 9.5 for this 51 episode anime.

Kayano sure becomes hotter, but she lost against two other girls:

張大です for 張大勇督察
Sep 5, 2016 6:34 PM

Feb 2010
Well at least they showed the making to the sequel for GTO, GTN lol

Sep 9, 2016 8:48 PM

Mar 2016
A perfect ending to a truly great anime!!!
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Sep 14, 2016 6:34 AM

Aug 2010
That was a good ending, I' really glad they bought that mountain with the money~ I feel more or less satisfied with the ending, knowing how each character end up 7 years later. And Karasuma and Irina got married YAY but it still looks like their relationship is similar to it was to before lol!

Fukuyama Jun voicing out Korosensei's was well done (as expected of this amazing seiyuu)! His voice really brings out that personality of Korosensei along with the emotions on his face.

Nagisa is continuing Korosensei's legacy as an a teacher. I have this thought that maybe Nagisa would teach in their old 3E classroom in the future. That'd be nice~

I initially didnt expect to enjoy this whole series (seasons 1-2) as much as I did, nor to be as attached to this series and the 3E class and the 3 teachers (especially Korosensei). Definitely didnt think I'd be as emotionally affected by Korosensei's death as well. But this series has proved my initial assumptions wrong. So glad I picked up this series. I wish I have a teacher like Korosensei lol but where o find such a super-capable being? Thinking back, I have met a handful of such teachers who have supported me through my hard schooling years and/or from whom I've learned a lot. I guess I should be more thankful of them and show my gratitude to them..

I'm definitely gonna miss Korosensei and the 3E class...
blue-ySep 14, 2016 8:08 AM
Sep 14, 2016 5:38 PM

Jul 2009
Good last episode. The graduation was well done, especially with the other students coming to help them out. Nice to see Nagisa's parents try to work things out for him as well, and the principal too. Loved seeing a bit of 7 years later, with Irina and Karasuma, aww :3 Plus the students getting back to clean out their old classroom was well done. Nice to see an update on most of the students :D Too bad Kaede never got with Nagisa, poor girl haha ... I'm a little curious about that one scene with the camera panning down her body though, it sort of implied she was pregnant to me ...? :O Well, Nagisa's still got that assassin in him huh? Looks like he's got a challenging class to teach in front of him! Last but not least, my bae Karma ... omg, when they showed him all grown up what a cutie pie <3

Overall, I did enjoy this sequel, but not as much as the original. Of course all the characters, music, art, and animation was great, but unfortunately I just felt as though the story wasn't quite as engaging. I was really looking forward to Korosensei's past but that arc was quite disappointing for me :( Oh well, still overall enjoyable, and I liked the ending/conclusion at least. 8/10
Sep 15, 2016 8:19 PM

Feb 2014
Oh.... and now..?

As an overall I liked the first season more...

But the last 2 episodes of this season really got my drama side.... also, it's not common a good time skip like this was..... an after story.

Don't know if I give this a 7 or 8.

PS.: Can't believe I didn't see Karasuma being more affectionate with Irina =( Or maybe I just should believe? LoL She fought so much... and I was hoping to see it... but... why? why they almost always have to omit it? =/
Vi-Sep 15, 2016 8:34 PM
Sep 19, 2016 7:46 PM

Feb 2013
I figured it was going to be a follow-up episode.
Karasuma married Irina? Woa!

6/10 (above average, same as first season)
Sep 19, 2016 11:08 PM

Feb 2014
I'm not really sure what to say, I'm fairly speechless right now. Every emotion that was thrown at us, the audience, was truly powerful and moving. I grew connected to the bond the students and Koro Sensei had with each other. This last episode is a prime example of how to wrap up a true masterpiece.
"So wave goodbye to the hope we were born with, and say farewell to the chance of surviving this holocaust of love, this age of lost souls, but I'm holding on with both hands and I'm never letting go."
Sep 22, 2016 8:11 PM

Mar 2012
Entertaining, despite the cheesy 2nd season, pretty good series overall

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Sep 25, 2016 9:18 PM

Dec 2012
I liked ep 24 better than 25. The last episode for me was 6/10. Episode 24 was 8/10
Oct 11, 2016 9:25 AM

Jul 2014
this anime is gold...
Oct 16, 2016 1:26 AM

Aug 2013
Truly remarkable series.
I haven't enjoyed a show like this in a while.
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
Oct 18, 2016 2:02 AM

Dec 2009
Really great show, but argh this epilogue drives me nuts. I hate mundane-ever-after endings like this.

After all that grand plot and build up to the inevitable, all it amounts to is them having decent lives, and mingling back into the terrible modern society.

Well a couple of them were pretty awesome living the high-life, like being an action movie star, or developing a medical procedure that'll define the future... But Nagisa just goes and slaps around a small class of delinquents? Come on!! You can do better than that! These delinquents aren't even normal rejects like class E was, they're legit gang filth.

I dunno, it just bothers me so much lol. Nagisa could do non-lethal assassinations around the world and bringing peace or something...
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 21, 2016 12:27 PM

Aug 2012
Anime that shows characters growing up and going their seperate ways to follow their dreams are kinna hard to watch because it reflects your life so much, they always leave a hole in your heart. The last 3 episodes were full of emotions. 9/10 definitely.
Nov 15, 2016 9:25 PM

Oct 2011
I love this series now that I've finally completed it and waiting to watch the movies that are coming out. I never expected I would love it or be so emotionally connected to the anime as I first came to watch it. Now, I freaking love it. Koro-sensei has always been my favorite. He is the best teacher I know lol. I really love to see animes that have bonds, strong unconditional bonds. It truly is wonderful. The ending was satisfying to see. I'm glad to see that everyone is going towards their own paths and goals. They would have never figured it out without someone like Koro-sensei to be there for them until the very end. If I pictured them without Koro-sensei and they just lived their life in class E, that would not have been a good and enjoyable life to have had. I'm glad they were the last of class E and that they shut that part of the education down. It really wouldn't be healthy if Koro-sensei wasn't there to brighten their days.. But I cried so hard towards the end, when Nagisa and everyone started to pour their hearts out. That was most hard and difficult. I've never been so touched and achingly heartfelt for their hurt and loss in any anime that I've watched. It was truly a sad, emotional touching moment, even for me. It seems that along the way, not only did the characters learn something of value from Koro-sensei and everyone, but the anime fans have learned lessons from this anime as well I would think. This anime truly was the best. One of my top favorites now. An anime I would highly recommend to my friends too. I'm so glad I watched this anime and I didn't regret any of it. Like many of the characters, I have to accept what's happen in the past and move on. Koro-sensei will forever live in each and every one of our dear hearts to remember. It's not something to be upset about or cause to be for that matter. There are times when it can be hard, but the truth is always hard to face. You just have to get through it and try not to let it get you down for there is always another way to go about it, not just that one path. I think Koro-sensei said something similar along those lines.. But overall, a really good anime to watch! It was enjoyable. If only there was a scene where Karma and Nagisa got together 7 years later lol. That would have been a nice reunion. Which might happen in the movies we'll see... Anyway, I hope everyone have a good day! Don't feel too depressed or sadden! Everything will be alright. Until next time. =) <3

Know that there is warmth, love, happiness, kindness and peace in the world.
Dec 30, 2016 5:10 AM

Apr 2016
Beautiful last episode, that closed very nice this anime series!!! Graduation and future just!!!!

In summary, except the last 3 episodes and 2 or 3 instants, the series was a little boring, but this ends was great, and i am happy, because a long time don´t watch a series ends closed!!!! Although this lasts episodes was me enjoy!!!

....7/10 and bye bye Anatsu Kyousthisu!!!1
Jan 5, 2017 6:24 AM

Jun 2012
The last couple episodes were a perfect wrap to this series, glad they didn't simply end it with episode 24. Even more, it may have been among the best endings I've ever seen.
I think it was a fitting end to the series for him to be killed, to be honest. When I think of if he lived, it doesn't have the same resonant effect.

Great series, certainly lets us re-examine the way we view events in life. It's interesting to think of what such a positively influential person can do for those around him/her, turning their lives around.
Koro's lessons reached out to more than the E-class, that's for sure :)
(too bad today's education is more like the A-class, all academics and little room to focus on each individual's potential)

Jan 9, 2017 2:00 AM

Feb 2014
This was episode was a nice treat after the feels train known as episode 24 & it was a nice wrap-up to the series though I wouldn't mind if they did a spin-off series, ova or movie about what happened in those 7 years, more on their present selves or them a little further in the future. Nice to see that the board in the opening that have been counting down the assassination had changed to the "Congratulations on your Graduation" board that Koro had done. It was also nice to see how that year had a effect on everyone including the principal that seems to be a milder version of himself now especially when his first students meet up with him again after all those years. Kind of wish they had showed what happened to him & his son post time skip. What happened after their graduation it was nice to see that Nagisa's parents were together to congratulate their son things to Koro. That was also cool to see the A class students protect & walk to E class out of the graduation building past all those vulture reporters while showing that they actually have respect for them now.

The part after the time skip was great. It was cool to see how most of the E-class had matured & some looked way different especially the horror fanatic transformation caught me by surprise. Also, loved see that Karasuma married Irina & that they still have that crazy dynamic between each other. Was great to see the big purchase that the class made together was to save & keep maintenance on the building and the surrounding areas where they learned so much & had so many memories at with their teachers. That last other anime reference to Fairy Tail hand sign (meaning "Even if I can't see you... no matter how far away you may be... I will always be watching you") that they threw in fit the moment & that monologue during the water fight perfectly. Picture of it:

Funny seeing what Ritsu had turned into; kind of wonder what happened to fake Ritsu. And poor Nagisa can't catch a break, forever short and having to deal with that type of class, luckily for him his skills seems to come in handy.

As for the elephant in the room, if Kayano is pregnant, my thoughts on the matter is no she isn't pregnant though that would had wrapped this show in a nice pretty bow. I do however believe that Nagisa & her are dating at least from that picture of the manga that someone posted from the Manga & the way she talked about him. I believe that like she said that Nagisa is so focus on being a teacher that she has kind of stepped back from things to let him focus on that & her to focus on her acting career where she probably at a high point at. I'm thinking that they probably are a long distance relationship type of couple at the moment that rarely get a chance to meet up because of her career. The picture in the manga in an earlier post & in the show didn't represent her current state but her hope for the future from the wording in both the show & the manga pages. If she current was they most likely would have show something there instead of the light & the wording would have been different. The anime seems to add to the fact that is a future hope for her by the way her clothes were drawn, thought I can see where some may think that having an outfit like that may be hiding something, she did say she came from a set in her outfit & to me most of the scenes seems to show that she is flat as can be. Another sign that I think this is a future hope is that she was looking into sky during that line of her monologue & the scenes surrounding that in most shows that an obvious sign that someone is looking into the future (in this case a future hope).

As for the show as a whole I thoroughly enjoyed this season much more than the first. It wrapped up things pretty nicely though there was a few faults & in this sea of Anime with more shows seeming to give up hope or being lackluster, this is a nice shiny gem. At the beginning of this series, I asked myself why I'm watching show with such weird premise, who care about this odd teacher, hope they can take him out in time but by the end this show dragged me into the story & made me feel for Korosensei as time went on, hoping he could be saved. It takes a great show to make your feeling switch like that throughout it. The music in the background & the openings & ending perfectly fit the mode at the moment & was nice to see the opening have such detail by changing certain aspects of itself to match what has happened. That countdown board & the second opening in particular was a nice touch, it let me know that the end was near & I was sad to see that this great show was almost over. It made you feel like you were part of their up & down and their highs & lows & drew you in. It takes a great show to make you feel that way so to me this show especially this season was a borderline Masterpiece. So with that this season gets a rare 10/10 from me.
BossmanLeo18Jan 9, 2017 2:16 AM
Jan 16, 2017 5:27 AM

Apr 2012
>Nagisa teaching delinquents

MondayBlues said:
Well at least they showed the making to the sequel for GTO, GTN lol
I was thinking about that, there's potential for a spin-off right here
Feb 5, 2017 8:14 PM

Oct 2015
It was an amazing ending, I even teared up but I have a lot of emotions and cry easily XD
Feb 6, 2017 4:25 AM

Jun 2016
That empty feel when you just finished the episode and don't know what to do with your life... T_T
Feb 11, 2017 11:28 PM
May 2013
Personally, I'd rather have a Karma vs Asano spinoff rather than a Nagisa one. Also I'd like to see how strong the Asano family is compared to Karasuma-sensei and other 3-E students.

Thank you for the wonderful story.

Edit: Also, remember at the end of s1 where Grip tells Karma that he hopes/can't wait(forgot the specific line) til Karma gets a hit for himself? Since Karma becomes a bureaucrat he'll probably get a hit on his head so I hope they make a spinoff
MarathotakuFeb 11, 2017 11:32 PM
Feb 12, 2017 3:23 AM
Nov 2013
Surprise feels train these last few episodes were.. I was a little bored at times, but the last 13 episodes were easily the best part of the series. I'm glad overall how everything came together at the end.

Koro-sensei is now my second favorite anime teacher, right behind Eikichi Onizuka.

Kaede looks better with her original hair, but she was pretty cute too with that wig..

7/10, would have rated higher if the rest was as engaging as the second half.
Feb 17, 2017 10:08 PM
Dec 2014
I picked up Assassination Classroom on a whim back in December and it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable anime I've watched in a while, and my favourite "teacher" anime. It did a great job mixing humour with some "life lessons", though ultimately I think is best enjoyed if one doesn't overthink it.

I didn't really think that they were going to kill him off to keep it light hearted the entire way, especially after the class decided not to a few episodes back, but they made his passing impactful. And as an ending, I think that this episode, while playing safe, offers a good closure.

If I was to rate it, I'd give it a comfortable 9/10 (and a 10/10 for personal enjoyment). Thank you Korosensei and Class 3E for the enjoyable ride.
AxBattlerFeb 17, 2017 10:15 PM
Feb 27, 2017 2:18 PM
Jul 2016
This is my favourite anime ever ^_^
Apr 1, 2017 6:49 AM

Apr 2014
This episode seemed a bit unnecessary. They really could have just put the last two episodes together - both dragged on for too long.

Also, we didn't really get a closure on Nagisa. At least, I wouldn't consider that ending a real closure.
your waifu is shit
Apr 22, 2017 3:04 PM

Jan 2015
What am I going to do with my life now? :(
May 3, 2017 8:05 AM

Apr 2017
Never cried so hard in an anime before... the feels mann....

Jul 20, 2017 1:29 AM

May 2013
Giving it a 9/10. Ending was kinda stretched out a bit lol. It worked out well, but yeah xP
Jul 26, 2017 4:25 AM
Mar 2014
I'm still upset that Koro-sensei's really dead after all. :(

Poor Nagisa, did he really not grow at all since middle school? That's just unfair. It was good to see that everyone got a happy ending at the end though, but it's still bittersweet.
Aug 15, 2017 8:35 AM

Mar 2010
This is clearly 10/10
Jesus, what do you people want from an anime to deserve a 10?
Aug 24, 2017 7:12 PM

Dec 2012
LMAO at Hinano. Who is she talking to? Karasuma? He busy monologuing.
Yes! Hinano's getting her diploma!
Nagisa's dad is back.
Asano-kun and co. helped them.
LMAO at Sugino.
Asano lost his power.
Nagai and Mori.
They getting paid.
Yuuma got to keep the money, right? Let him prosper.
Oh shit! Karasuma got a hair cut.
lol at Bitch-san.
7 years have passed.
It's Aka- I mean Kayano. She grew some oppai.
LMAO at Okajima.
Hinano so cute! She can be my tour guide any day.
lol at Terasaka.
lol at Itona.
Ritsu oppai still so lovely.
Touka so beautiful in that water.
lol at Sakura.
LMAO at Nagisa in that shit hole. Plus, he didn't even grow in 7 years. LMAO
Oh shit. He grabbed Nagisa. You done goofed.
Dat clap!
Got him.
Dat ending. Dat End Card.

And that was the end of AK. What a great series. Really changed the way one looks at handling school. So glad to see my potential waifu's, Touka and Hinano, become perfect waifu's. I'll miss them so much.

Thank you, Korosensei. Also, Karma best character.

2600th post.
RobAug 24, 2017 8:49 PM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Oct 19, 2017 4:20 PM
Aug 2014
I don't care for commenting or actually use the forums at all, but I just wanted to say that this was some good stuff. The built up for everything was perfect, nothing was anti-climatic and no twists. It was exactly what it said to be from start to finish. I'll give it a 10/10 for that, it's unique and different and executes its own niche concept perfectly.
Oct 30, 2017 10:25 AM

May 2016
I'm so impressed that they didn't ruin it cause the last one was more like a finale, loved this show not all of it, to be honest, but all of Koro sensei's words touched my heart I will never forget you Koro-Sensei. 9/10
Jan 23, 2018 6:10 PM
Dec 2017
I cried the entire episode...I couldn't stop thinking about Koro-Sensei
Jan 24, 2018 5:43 AM
Jan 2018
I very happy too see everyone in E class 7 years later and how grow they are. And sad too.
It too sad to see Koro-sensei gone. But maybe this is a happy ending. I will miss this anime
It bring to me a lot of things that other anime can't.
Feb 7, 2018 11:19 AM

Apr 2013
I thought it was most likely that the would show them all grown up and shit in the last episode. Was good, but the one before was way better.
Overall once again a solid season. I'll miss Korosensei and the E class. 8/10
Mar 9, 2018 10:14 PM

Aug 2015
A blast. An incredible anime with an awesome ending ~

Karma 7 years later it looks so ... so ... perfect ~ Even more ♡
Poor Nagisa xD Only grew 1cm? : ') But he's the perfect teacher for a class like that.

It's sad that it's over for now, I've learned a lot in this anime and I'm glad I watched/read it ^^

Apr 29, 2018 2:26 PM

Oct 2013
The final scene gave me chills. Nagisa has truly inherited Korosensei's throne. Truly an awesome note to end the series on.

I'm not really a fan of epilogues most of the time, but this one was both beautiful and necessary. An epilogue befits the tone of the series, but most importantly, it was needed to show that Korosensei's efforts were not wasted.

Despite, or maybe because of, taking over 3 years across both seasons (a travesty), I think... I'll actually miss this show. S2 was roughly on par with how I recall S1, maybe a bit less humorous but with a greater penchant for character progression and an escalated scope instead. It's not without its flaws, but what it sets out to do it does well.

These last two episodes really highlighted for me how huge the cast of characters was and the fact that so few of them were relevant. Unfortunately, I could barely remember more than, maybe, 1/3 of the students. Despite acknowledging the rest were present throughout the series, I couldn't tell someone what role they played. They were just... there. That's the show's biggest flaw, IMO.

And honestly, I really feel like Korosensei was as much a sensei to the audience as to his own students. The series' focus was just as much to guide and teach the people watching. It's an attribute I deeply appreciate, and it strengthens our bond to his character. I will miss him. Hell, I'll miss all of the main cast. >_<

I'm midkey sad the Nagisa x Kayano ship never sailed. :( although I'd like to think it would eventually, beyond the scope of this epilogue...

May 3, 2018 6:02 PM

Mar 2016
Not only is Nagisa's height almost the same, so are his clothes.
Aug 24, 2018 2:50 AM
Dec 2017
series was very good in general but the ending last episodes of 2 season were just amazing! in quite everything, paintball match, saving Kayano, koro sensei farewell...
imjust oging for a 9/10 what an anime!
Aug 24, 2018 2:54 AM
Dec 2017
[quote=ErnaGhoul message=50453722]What am I going to do with my life now? :([/quoteahahah same i just have a hole in my heart now xD
Sep 11, 2018 5:32 PM

Jun 2011
wao, I really hope Nagisa and Kayano could become a pair, no development at all over the past 7 years lol

I am such a sucker for coming of age stories, even though there's plenty of weak episodes here and there, you really do get the feel that they're now proper grown ups and ready to take on the mantle that their sensei left. It's a huge difference compared to the class 3-E that we were first introduced to. It's got that sense of progression throughout the series.

If there's a nitpick about the series is that I still really don't know everyone from class 3-E and I doubt I am the only one. There's a gun boi and gun girl, Nagisa, class leader, Karma (supa hot as a grown up!!), Kayano the tentacle/pudding girl, blonde that's great at English, muscle head, Itona the new student, the AI girl, one chubby girl, and I think that's all that I could remember. The others didn't get much exposure or didn't make a huge impression. On the bright side, the story tried to get as many in as possible, having this many known characters and manage to somehow make them easy to remember is not an easy feat.

While I like Koro-sensei's origin and backstory I don't think it fits his current image of having that joking/funny mannerism, it contrasts so much it's pretty hard to believe, since he's never once shown that side of his even when he's confined in the lab with Kayano's sister, but it's not really a big deal. I gotta say though, Fukuyama Jun is brilliant and is a blessing to the anime industry. From Lelouch, to Koro-sensei, to the trap in some isekai anime, he's been so good and I hope he doesn't retire early from voice acting, and have more prominent roles in anime that will make it big.

But yea with an ending like this, with Koro-sensei passing, it's probably gonna be really hard to ever rewatch this show and be reminded every time Koro-sensei is on screen that eventually he's gonna have to die. I hate that they gave us hope he could be saved in the last few episodes but the students never got the chance to execute their plan. At least in Clannad After Story *major spoiler*
but I suppose ending it like this in AssClass is more impactful to the overall story.

Great series.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Sep 24, 2018 12:28 PM
Jan 2018
Was a very good watch, stopped at Episode because I thought it was stupid but decided to finish it when I lost power the other day. Glad to see everyone in the class doing well, hoping for a 3rd Season with Nagisa? Would be nice.
Oct 19, 2018 6:49 PM

May 2017
Sayonara, Koro Sensei.

Man this second season really was a big step up from season1 for me..

I mean I enjoyed season 1 a ton, but this season did a few things better, and continued to develope the characters and story in a very very good direction. Not once did I feel bored of this anime.

So many memorable moments of season 2..

Some Highlight Episode's for me;

"Before and After Time (6)" The students recklessly jumping over rooftops thereby injuring an old man who is a teacher and a care taker of children.

Koro Sensei's word's "You may have grown too strong. Drunk on your own power, you forgot to put yourself in the shoes of someone weaker than you." That scene was so good. Koro Sensei disappointed in his students but also in himself. Disappointed that he forgot to teach them such basic knowledge.

The students then took over the job of the old-man for a few weeks and took care of them plus renovated the entire building. A really nice episode in my opinion.

The Reaper Arc was pretty good too. The fight between Karasuma and the Reaper was pretty sick.

I however didn't like how Irina just switched sides so freaking fast and was ready to sacrifice all the students.. That was a little bit of nonsense to me.

I thought that the Reaper was not that interesting as a character. However 10 Episodes later, when we found out who he really was, it all made much more sense and it made the arc much better afterwards.

Then we had, "Round Two Time (9)"

We got to know Nagisa's mother, at first glance a normal mother. It really caught me offguard when she suddenly turned into a psycho. She didn't want her son to become a failure like she was, she wanted him to not make the same mistakes that she did. Of course her ways of controlling that was not okay. The conversation she had with Koro Sensei was nice. Koro Sensei telling her to let Nagisa live his life the way he wants. Let him become the person he wants to be. The conversation didn't really affect her much, she even tried to burn down the campus of Class-E to prevent Nagisa from further going down this road and to send him on a new school where she wants him to be. But then for the first time she saw who Nagisa really was when the assassin came. She changed afterwards. A very enjoyable episode for me.

The School Festival (10) was pretty neat as well, seeing all the characters we met down the road in one episode was cool. Nagisa opening up and being honest to the guy who fell in love with her/him was pretty good. He returned the favor and advertised the Food of Class-E on his online blog.

Principal Asano's flashback episode (13) was good. You could see where he's coming from, why he became so obsessed with strength and power. But for me that didn't justify how he went from the most humble and loving guy to a straight up maniac.

Episode 16 "Past Time" obviously one of the favorite episodes. Koro Sensei's long awaited flashback and backstory.

Episode 18 "Outcome Time" one of my favorite's as well. The fight between Nagisa and Karma was executed beautifully. The way they told their relationship and story in-between the fight was really well done. Kinda reminds me of Obito vs Kakashi in a way.

And then last not but not least. Episode 24. "Graduation Time" What a tear jerker. We all knew it would end up like this.. I always had the possiblities of his survival in my head. But even if he gets killed, who's gonna do it? The Students? The Government? The crazy maniac psychopath with Reaper on his side? But the obvious happened and it broke my heart. Even though this show is build around assassinating and killing Koro Sensei from the very first episode, you can't help but get emotional. The way they executed this episode was so good.

The memories and bonds that were build around Koro Sensei's Class-E will never be forgotten.

I had a lot of fun with this anime. It's entertaining, it's fun, it can be serious, it can be sad. It teaches you life lessons.

Story 7/10 The Story itself isn't really that deep or anything. But it is something new, something that I personally have never seen before. The concept is cool and the way they executed everything was well done.

Art 7/10 The backgrounds and the art-style that they went with was pretty standard but enjoyable. Not the biiiggest fan of the character designs. I mean i don't have anything against them by any means. But besides Koro Sensei they're really nothing special and are very generic imo.

Animation 8.5/10 The animation was very very consistent, and the action scenes always delivered! Props to Lerche for this consistent and healthy prodcution

Sound 7/10 There wasn't a single opening that i enjoyed.. However the ending songs especially the first one were all pretty nice. The OST of this anime was very fitting. The Intense Soundtracks were on point. The emotional soundtracks were my favorites.

Characters 8/10 I enjoyed watching all of the characters.. Of course it is literally impossible, to emphesize on every single character and give them a proper backstory and proper development when you have such a vast character cast. Koro Sensei obviously leading the chart of the top characters. Amazing character. He can be funny, he can be teaching, he can be serious. But most importantly hes very loving and caring for the people around him. My favorite character of this show. I would put Karma on the second spot followed by Nagisa and Karasuma.

Enjoyment 8.5/10 Yea this show was enjoyable as heck. Not much more to say and this retarded post is already long enough.

shayed__Oct 19, 2018 6:52 PM
Oct 28, 2018 8:49 PM
Aug 2018
Just finished the anime. Holy shit what a series.
Dec 14, 2018 1:36 PM
Apr 2017
O anime teve um ótimo final, gostei muito de quando o Nagisa pergunta :
Quanta presença ele queria nos deixar, quando viu seus pais juntos denovo.
Dec 30, 2018 2:24 PM
Jun 2016
I've just finished the series, man what a ride, 10/10 for the characters,the relationship between students and sensei and how well the writers /creators have adapted the theme of assassination without being obvious and cliché, the humor was straight on point, Korosensei is a brilliant character, I think it's plain the inspiration from Onizuka (you should definitely watch GTO if you haven't already,you're going to love it), I personally am very impressed when this kind of anime is produced given that I want to be a teacher myself one day xD, anyway I can very relate to the message of the series, the relationship between sensei and students is essential to their development as adults, it's so important to have at least in school good role models, that inspire with discipline but also love and empathy, I mean that's what I also believe in so it's got a lot of meaning to me and I can understand why for other people there will be others things from the series that have impressed them :) One more time an anime has revealed the emotions potential that can be delivered through the art of animation, I was very touched by this story and it left me a good feeling, I really enjoy how the series ended it kind of remind me of the inherited will theory of One Piece where the characters are "imprinted" with the will of the sensei that they had so that their teaching and ideals would never die but on the contrary will be passed onto future generation. I really enjoy when an anime like this is produced, great animation / music / characters and story but most of all a wonderful meaning underneath all of it. Even this kind of entertainment can be of good teaching if one is willing to receive it and see through the façade. Anyway this is a little of a rant, sorry for my overall lack of grammar and proper sentences but English is not my native language and most of all I've really wanted to keep this as original as possible as soon as the series has ended to write in words what I'm feeling in the most honest and "raw" way possible. I sincerely hope that more people can enjoy this wonderful series! Have a nice year minasan!
Jan 5, 2019 6:05 AM

Sep 2010
the first season is boring, but second season become soo emotional.
its remind me when I was studying in the school. I laugh, I cried, I made many mistakes back then, but that time was a great time in my life. those memories flying through my head when I finished this series.

6/10 for first season, but
8/10 for second season

after all what happened in my life, I finally realized.
God never say a thing. And God's silence has nothing to do with life or death.
May 15, 2019 11:16 AM

Jul 2013
I can't believe I put this show on hold for such a long time. I actually followed this when it was still airing but stopped at around the end of the civil war for some reason. Now rewatching this show has been such a great journey. A beautiful ending. This is what I live for. I love it when we get proper endings like this. Koro-sensei touched a lot of lives. Nagisa's parents reconciled and even the principal has grown a lot.

Time skip to 7 years. Everyone grew up well and I'm so happy they still keep in touch with each other. Their bond as a class is really strong. Karasuma and Irina are now happily married. Good for them. Karma looking great with his new hairstyle and grew a lot taller. Nagisa on the other hand..... well his current look is iconic and suits him well. The Nagisa x Kayano ship didn't progress at all. I always knew it was a very one-sided relationship. Nagisa has never shown interest for Kayano or maybe he's just extremely oblivious to it which I don't buy because he has been shown as a very perceptive person that could read the situation easily. I guess he really just didn't have any feelings for her and Kayano is pretty much sacrificing her feelings to not distract Nagisa from his goals. Nagisa is now teaching a problematic class. I wonder if he can change them for the better like what Koro-sensei did.

This show has been a journey. I love coming-of-age stories like this. We've seen them grow from the 1st season until the ending. This was truly an amazing show. I gotta give it props because this show has never bored me once even though some episodes are quite episodic. I'm not gonna nitpick much on the characters. With such a big cast, it was obvious from the start that some students wouldn't get much screen time or development and of course, the show has to have their main characters. I'm still satisfied with the result though. I have my fair share of criticisms but overall, I love this show to death. It's gonna go down in anime history as a classic. A deserving 10/10.
Dull_LullMay 15, 2019 11:19 AM
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