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Tying the Knot with an Amagami Sister
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Jan 14, 7:27 AM

Nov 2011
A festival and sporting event! This show came back in a big way if you ask me.

This episode was also Asahi's chance to prove herself and she's got supporters. Despite how childish she seems at times, Asahi had good intention about her wish. She and Uryuu has a cute little chemistry this episode imo.
Jan 14, 7:28 AM

May 2020
Yae’s arc ended and they just jumped into Asahi’s arc, which really is a knock-off lol, with its execution. Anyway, the blonde girl who’s just there to act as Asahi’s rival must have spent more time on her practice. I mean with how things turned out to be in the end with shrine’s tanabata festival clashing with the race day, she really had a good chance to go one up against Asahi, but hey, guess the power of love makes up for anything, and the power of tech as well lol.

Now yeah, the supernatural stuff happened, and these guys are now stuck in a loop. This is just Endless Eight all over, except, we’ll not have to watch them doing the exact same stuff over and over and over again lol, over a number of episodes. Still doing the same thing again and again must be tiring lol. Though still, pretty obvious what Asahi’s wish was right? New OP and ED, but yeah, sounds same to me,
Jan 14, 7:28 AM

Apr 2016
I'm trying to figure out that whoever is causing these ... phenomena to happen, what is their objective, like why are our mains going through them. But still a nice change of pace whenever these spirited away moments happen, never a dull moment.
Jan 14, 7:29 AM

Apr 2014
Welcome to the Endless Eight. No, it won't be that bad, right? RIGHT??! 🤣
Jan 14, 7:54 AM

Jul 2016
Her running speed is probably powered by raw smugness alone.

While it's tragic how Asahi was forced to have a fresh core memory undone by reality warping shenadigans, the fact she went ahead and casually won gold again anyway is such a flex. Nothing will take away from how wholesome Uryu's initial idea was to invite Yomiko and video call the shrine though.
Jan 14, 8:51 AM

Mar 2021
asahi really shined this time around nice
she might seem young but her heart's in the right place its like they say dont judge a book by its cover lol
that new girl gave good competition too bad love and tech won out in the end
now theyre stuck in a loop feels like weve seen this before right
the music changed but sounds the same old same old
Jan 14, 9:11 AM

Mar 2021
Asahi was so cute this episode. Girl is such a great runner that she can just win the marathon twice without thinking about it.
Jan 14, 9:38 AM
Jun 2024
don't be the new endless eight please 🙏!!!!
Jan 14, 9:55 AM

Jul 2024
My girls are back.

Time loop theories confirmed.

Liked the music or the old OP and ED better. New visuals are more plots revealing, but old ones were cuter.

The dark haired priestess in the yokai mask has got the be the deceased adoptive mother/priestess

"Way to see the silver lining"
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 14, 10:24 AM

Feb 2019
FINALLY we’re back with new Amagami eps and an OP. Hopefully the staff had plenty of rest and are ready to go! I sure am. I’ve always had Asahi as my least fave of the trio because of the cringe age gap with Uryu and loli bait, but going into this arc with an open mind and it’s off to a great start so far. Arguably the most interesting set up in the series actually. A modern day endless 8 is pretty dope and it allows us to get to see much more of Asahi’s personality as well as allowing she and Uryu to grow closer since they’re the only ones looping.

I had a feeling the gimmick was going to be about Asahi’s heart not really being in the race. Spending time with her sisters is the most important thing to her, and we’ve known that since earlier in the first cour when she passed up on going to the school out of town on a track scholarship in order to be closer to them. Poor Karen though won’t be able to race her rival at the marathon! She’s such a tsundere but really loves and idolises Asahi a lot you can tell. She just wants to beat her idol at and push her to be her best.

I’m kinda feeling like all the girls are going to end up getting their own routes where they win at this point since they’re now introducing loops and alternate timelines.
Marinate1016Jan 14, 10:56 AM
Jan 14, 10:50 AM
Sep 2017
I can now confidently say this series is going for multiple routes. Everyone will be their own ending like BokuBen.
Jan 14, 11:02 AM

May 2019
So we got a new OP and ED and while I'm used to the first ones I'm sure I'll get used to these too. Regarding this episode (and the next one) it was focused on Asahi and her wishes. While 4 of them were shown I wonder if there's another one where she wishes to get Uryu's affection, maybe that will unlock moving forward past July 7th, or perhaps it will be her simply participating in the festival with her sisters, we'll see.

On a side note, Uryu inviting the girls' former teacher and having the girls and the shrine leader see Asahi via video chat for her marathon was a great move.
Jan 14, 11:17 AM
Sep 2022
So I'm assuming it's either fulfilling all of Asahi's wishes or her participating in the festival to get out of the time loop
Jan 14, 11:45 AM
Jan 2025
muy bueno y ademas con el nuevo opening god
Jan 14, 1:14 PM

Jun 2016
Asahi decided to use the time loop to learn something, like typing fast on the keyboard, well that's the right thing to do.
Jan 14, 1:36 PM

Jun 2012
Today's events were really strange with this time travel, especially involving Asahi. Since she wished to be at both the festival and the marathon, fate made her go back in time to decide which was the better choice for her to make. It reminded me of one of the episodes from season 3 of "Supernatural," haha.
Jan 14, 1:48 PM
Nov 2018
I always have nightmares when a show decides to do time loops. Mostly from "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya." Especially that was 5 episodes of the same thing with slight changes in it. I hope they don't do the same here.
Jan 14, 2:56 PM

Jul 2024
I would not worry about it going endless eight. This show usually has 2 or 3 episodes per arc and ties them up well.
LordCrueltyVJan 14, 3:35 PM
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 14, 2:58 PM
Nov 2023
Why all the endless 8 talk? It’s much more like the Petite Devil Kouhai arc of Bunny Girl Senpai. Asahi has a lot of Tomoe Koga vibes too.
It’s a fun tool to let Asahi get some time with Uryu, I hope she takes full advantage!
I can’t see them looping 15,498 times like Haruhi…
Jan 14, 3:18 PM
Jul 2024
The sisters are back, but most importantly: Asahi is back! And she's taking no prisoners:

It's funny, but this episode reminds me of a certain anime show with a girl wearing a bunny costume.
Jan 14, 4:48 PM
Jul 2024
FutoiOtaku said:
Why all the endless 8 talk? It’s much more like the Petite Devil Kouhai arc of Bunny Girl Senpai. Asahi has a lot of Tomoe Koga vibes too.
It’s a fun tool to let Asahi get some time with Uryu, I hope she takes full advantage!
I can’t see them looping 15,498 times like Haruhi…

That's exactly what I was thinking. Just needed the Japanese national team winning a big game. And the fact that two people remember right away unlike Kyon taking 1000's of loops just to get deja vu and Nagato being the only one to recall all of it. Definitely Leplace's Demon stuff instead of the Endless Eight.
Jan 14, 5:20 PM
Oct 2024
Asahi is really rizzing Uryu up. She’s got him all to herself in her Groundhog Day scenario. Eat him up while you can, Asahi! 🥰🥰 Edit: the best way to break the loop and get to be at both the marathon and the festival is to wish for the storm to disappear. That would solve the problem and break the loop. 😉😉
Jan 14, 5:34 PM
Feb 2014
They need to go ahead and add supernatural to the tags
Jan 14, 5:43 PM

Jan 2021
I just don't understand. As an atheist, if I could confirm that I was in a supernatural loop and it wasn't negative cognitive bias or schizophrenia, I would at least become agnostic, if not religious.

How tf is this mc vibing? 😭
Jan 14, 5:50 PM

Dec 2021
Recently rewatched Bunny Girl Senpai and Suzumiya and this episode immediately gave off those Koga and Endless Eight vibes xD

Regardless, one of the better episodes overall as well, even with the blatant knockoff aside. Very nice OP visuals wise as well. Decent return.

Jan 14, 5:51 PM

Dec 2018
Nice to finally be back for the 2nd cour, those two weeks with no episode felt noticeably empty for me, and the new OP and ED are very nice, I think I prefer the first ones for now but I like these new ones, the VAs are doing the OP instead of the ED now, and ≠ME is doing the ED which I think was the better of the two, but as always they will grow on me since I never skip regardless of the show lol.

And I guess everyone else has seen Haruhi Suzumiya besides me, that happens sometimes, personally I’m waiting for Uryu to whip out a cellphone that tells the future and for Asahi to be his crazy girlfriend, but that show isn’t really about time loops, I just watched it recently lol. But besides the weird time fuckery, I’m really glad we got an Asahi arc to open the cour, loving her moments with Uryu here, it’s just a shame the marathon stuff was undid by the time loop bullshit, at least the two of them remember and are growing closer because of it.

Kinda fucked up of the gods to be doing this tho, why can’t the stuff at the marathon happen? It seemed so perfect, Uryu called up Yomiko and had the sisters on FaceTime, it was a beautifully setup situation for Asahi’s win, but the gods said no, okay lol. It does make things more interesting tho, I’ll give them that much if this is the work of the gods anyway, and it also opens more doors for future plots if something as big as a time loop can happen, this goes above and beyond Uryu’s prophetic dreams. It’ll be interesting to see how Uryu and Asahi go about breaking the loop, I have a feeling her staying for Tanabata isn’t gonna be enough.
TheColonel76Jan 14, 5:54 PM
Jan 14, 6:13 PM
Jan 2021
Already know that they’re some Paranormal stuff going on, but didn’t expect them to actually stuck in a time loop
Jan 14, 6:24 PM
Jun 2017
very interesting episode as this time we are focusing on asahi and her wishes...

and we are having some time loops on this one, and lets see what will happened on this one...
Jan 14, 7:24 PM

Jul 2024
The time loops so far each have a different structure. Thus I expect the further ones, should be at least 2 more (Uryu's and Yuna's big ones) will each have a unique structure.
Lord Cruelty V
"But my Dreams they're not as empty, as my conscience seems to be"
Jan 14, 7:25 PM

Mar 2018
i like this supernatural bit. the new OP and ED are also really good.
Jan 14, 7:50 PM
Nov 2024
I'm rooting for him to marry all three of them, long live polygamy, long live the four-timecouple💙
Jan 14, 8:02 PM
Oct 2018
Reply to FutoiOtaku
Why all the endless 8 talk? It’s much more like the Petite Devil Kouhai arc of Bunny Girl Senpai. Asahi has a lot of Tomoe Koga vibes too.
It’s a fun tool to let Asahi get some time with Uryu, I hope she takes full advantage!
I can’t see them looping 15,498 times like Haruhi…
@FutoiOtaku It’s because Tanabata was mentioned in Haruhi episodes and I think it was also part of Endless Eight.
90293otakuJan 14, 8:10 PM
Jan 14, 8:34 PM
Nov 2023
90293otaku said:
@FutoiOtaku It’s because Tanabata was mentioned in Haruhi episodes and I think it was also part of Endless Eight.

The endless 8 includes the Obon festival on August 18th.
The loop is from 17th to 31st August.
Tanabata is in early July.

Although there may be connections in the writer’s mind with endless 8, the mechanics are only slightly similar compared with BGS having EXACTLY the same mechanics.
I still would be interested in anything said or written by Marcy Naito explaining why this loop was added, and don’t honestly think it’s a tribute to or copy of anything so this is by no means an argument. Just a sharing of opinions and pondering.
Jan 14, 8:56 PM

Jul 2024
"We have Endless Eight at home."

The Endless Eight at home:
Jan 15, 12:04 AM
Jul 2020
i remember this part in the mange but seeing in anime form reminds me of AoButa
Jan 15, 12:06 AM

Jan 2022
Am I tripping or has any one else notice these weird shots of the sisters that distort their eyes? Making them look creepy it's been going on all season...

Jan 15, 12:59 AM

Jun 2020
I see they're diving all the way in on the supernatural elements instead of just dipping their toes in like before. I always love a good "Groundhog Day" plotline if it's done well, and I'm enjoying this one so far. It's also nice to see someone other than Uryuu involved this time, and of course he feels the same. This has bee a surprisingly charming little show from the start, but if they continue leaning more heavily into the supernatural aspect, I think that could elevate it to a really solid series if done right. I look forward to seeing how this loop is resolved!
Jan 15, 3:32 AM

Feb 2014
Endless Eight LMAO! maybe the loop will end if Asahi aparticpates in the festival instead of the marathon.
Jan 15, 3:36 AM

Jan 2024
Re:Zero came back sooner than expected

Now Asahi is getting dragged into supernatural stuff too. The race was so tropy it better got retconned. Kinda bad that she won all those marathon still for nothing. Focusing on your actual wish where Asahi wants to be in Hanabata is why they are getting looped probably..

It felt a long time when this was gone but it had a very solid return. With supernatural elements now being focus to make Asahi and Uryu come closer. Personally Asahi arc will be much interesting than Yae arc.

Have to say compared to bangers of cour 1 both OP & ED is a downgrade atleast form initial reaction.
WaterMageJan 15, 3:41 AM
Jan 15, 3:44 AM
Mar 2024
I got the endless eight flashbacks.......
Jan 15, 4:12 AM

Apr 2024
Damn, Yae's arc finished it to soon, and we got Asahi's arc with endless eight.
Jan 15, 5:00 AM
Apr 2020
Reply to Sreenivas_69
I can now confidently say this series is going for multiple routes. Everyone will be their own ending like BokuBen.
@Sreenivas_69 Well considering the title is singular just proves either this or just one of them.

The "harem ending" never existed.
Jan 15, 7:33 AM

Jun 2015
Okay?? a Time Loop!? and Asahi remembers too.
I've had this thought ever since the first early episodes with Yuna and now this episode really solidifies it for me.
Those glimpses of the future might be a memory from a previous timeline(loop).

Now I think that maybe the whole Uryuu-Yae situation wasn't just a "memory" but is an actual thing that happened, that it was Uryuu(present) that Yae(past) met.

And maybe this time loop will end if Asahi chooses to spend Tanabata with her sisters because it's the best route. Her winning the marathon will be a memory she shares with Uryuu.
Or a better outcome is that the gods stops the storm so the marathon won't be postponed.

The new OP & ED are also great!
Jan 15, 9:38 AM
Nov 2022
Very good episode, it gave me "bunny girl senpai" vibes xd

However, I liked it, I wasn't expecting it at all but I loved it.

The new opening and ending don't disappoint, very good just like the first ones.
Jan 15, 1:37 PM

Mar 2008
She has to change the weather so she can compete in the race on the 30th, and do Tanabata on the 7th, thus achieving the steins;gate world line.
Jan 16, 1:53 AM

Jan 2017
Reply to FutoiOtaku
Why all the endless 8 talk? It’s much more like the Petite Devil Kouhai arc of Bunny Girl Senpai. Asahi has a lot of Tomoe Koga vibes too.
It’s a fun tool to let Asahi get some time with Uryu, I hope she takes full advantage!
I can’t see them looping 15,498 times like Haruhi…
Probably it's because when it comes to time looping scenario, the endless 8 is more popular and it was way older since it was 2 decades ago. To be honest, endless 8 was the also first thing that I thought of.

I understand that you're a bunny girl senpai fan, but chill man no need to get mad.
reicchi-senseiJan 16, 2:02 AM
Jan 16, 1:38 PM

Feb 2020
It's finally back!!!! And with its return, comes Asahi's timeloop arc. This is one of my favorite parts of the manga that I've read so far so I'm rlly excited for this
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Jan 18, 3:33 PM

Apr 2022
Is it only me or Uryuu voice is more deep now?
Jan 19, 10:12 PM

Jan 2021
Noimii ED is goated
Jan 21, 1:29 PM
Dec 2024
Was a very funny and cute episode. I liked the start into the second part. Also we good very cool scenes with Uryu and Asahi. :)

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