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Goddess Aspen Aires
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Hailblackmamba: Day 2 Under My Control-Boot Bitch Training 1080p

3/29/20 12:33 AM7 min250 MBmp4720p
Price11.49 EUR


Day two under my control requires that I test your boot licking skills. I know that your very small cage accommodations suited your level of bitch boy slave in training. I am always finding ways to humiliate you, emasculate, and break you down. It’s for your own good. Rejection makes you stronger. Don’t forget that. Today, I need my boots cleaned. I am going to instruct you on how I want them done. There are rules, etiquette, and attire that are obligated to be followed on boot bitch day. I do not require you to speak to me during my boot cleanings. After I teach you, you won’t be taught again. So, pay attention fuck boy. Start day two.

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